Octane Energy Group FZCO is a company registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a Free Zone Company (FZCO), a structure allowing multiple shareholders with no foreign ownership restrictions, governed by an independent Free Zone Authority. Established in 2019 company specializes in the distribution and marketing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

US Sanctions and Alleged Iranian Links

On February 24, 2025, the US imposed sanction on Octane Energy Group FZCO as part of a broader effort to target entities facilitating Iran petroleum trade, which funds destabilizing activities. The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Department of State designated the company for “knowingly engaging in a significant transaction for the purchase of petroleum products from Iran” as outlined in a press release (Treasury Imposes Additional Sanctions on Iran’s Shadow Fleet as Part of Maximum Pressure Campaign).so This action aligns with Executive Order 13846, blocking all property and interests in property of the designated entity in the US or under US jurisdiction, and prohibiting transactions by US persons unless authorized

Read also: Analysis of AvantGarde Tankers Ltd and Al Aqili Companies and Businesses with Iran

Business Dealings with Iran

A specific incident highlighted in the sanctions involves a 40,039.13-tonne LPG shipment supplied to Bangladesh via the Panama-flagged vessel GAZ GMS arriving at Chattogram Port on October 3. 2024.
The LPG Operators Association of Bangladesh alleged in a letter to the Chittagong Port Authority that the shipment was sourced from Iran. a sanctioned country, prompting scrutiny (US sanctions UAE-based Octane Energy Group for alleged Iranian links in LPG supply to Bangladesh). However a Bangladeshi committee investigation found no evidence of an Iranian connection, stating the LPG was loaded at Mina Rashid, UAE, through a ship-to-ship operation, and later refueled at Khorfakkan, UAE, before heading to Bangladesh

Octane Energy Group FZCO Tables for Clarity

Below is a table summarizing key details about Octane Energy Group FZCO:

LocationUnited Arab Emirates (UAE), Free Zone Company (FZCO)
Primary ActivityDistribution and marketing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
US Sanctions DateFebruary 24, 2025
Reason for SanctionsAlleged purchase of Iranian petroleum products
Notable Incident40,039.13-tonne LPG shipment to Bangladesh, vessel GAZ GMS, Oct 3, 2024
Ownership DetailsNot publicly available
Management DetailsNot publicly available

Another table compares the company’s alleged Iranian dealings with the Bangladeshi investigation findings:

AspectUS Sanctions ClaimBangladeshi Investigation Finding
Source of LPGPurchased from IranLoaded at Mina Rashid, UAE, via ship-to-ship operation
Vessel InvolvedGAZ GMS (Panama-flagged)GAZ GMS, refueled at Khorfakkan, UAE, before Bangladesh
Date of ArrivalOctober 3, 2024, Chattogram PortOctober 3, 2024, Chattogram Port
ImplicationsFunds Iran’s destabilizing activitiesYES

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